If you have any further question about Zone Sport, please feel free to Contact us. Our representatives will be more than happy to answer your questions. And you can email us via sales@peakfasten.com
We have about 150 working staffs and 80 office staffs with a completed department structure from R&D to sales to engineers.
We are a professional waterproof outdoor gear manufacturer with an manufacturing space of over 3600 square meters. This gives us much better control in terms of quality of work and allows us to be more competitive on price.
First, we need to receive your bag design and instructions. If possible, detailed artwork is preferred because we can then fully understand what you are looking for. If possible, a physical sample for our reference would be preferred.
According to your review your instructions and comment, we’ll provide a rough quotation at this stage.When the rough price is
within your budget, we can proceed with the sampling process.
Upon completion,the proto sample shall be shipped to you and precise quotation can be provided upon your confirmation. If there is any comment, or if there are any adjustment needs to be made, we can work together to optimize it until we are both ready for order placement.
Delivery time is one of our main advantages. Stock items can be shipped within 5 days upon payment and customized items can be within 15 days.
Our payment term is 30% T/T deposit and 70% T/T balance before shipment.And Paypal available for sample payment.
1000 PCS MOQ for waterproof phone bags line, 500 PCS MOQ for backpacks line and 500 PCS MOQ for cargo bags or other outdoor equipment line.
At this quantity, the best cost performance ratio are guaranteed, and no additional cost will be charged on material surcharges which would drive the overall cost up.
It depends on products and cooperation status. Free samples can be provided to regular customers and sample cost varies from 2 USD-50 USD depend on the cost.
Yes, sample can be provided before mass order.Actually, we always suggest taking sample for approval before proceeding mass
production. It is a good way to make sure that everybody is on the same page, and avoid possible misunderstanding between each other.
Yes, sure. You can feel free to inform your ideas or designs with Zone Sport representative. You just need to send requirement or expectation on bag shape, size, color, materials, features and logo etc., and we can manufacture your backpack fully based on the final specifications we both agree.
Quality is the basic of all to Zone Sport. All of our waterproof phone cases had passed IPX8 test and 100% quality inspection before delivery.You can feel free to use them in water.
100% Zone Sport waterproof phone pouch had passed IPX8 waterproof test. Generally,they can be used under water up to 25 meters.
Are Zone Sport waterproof phone bags suitable for iPhone X/8 Plus.Zone Sport waterproof phone bags are designed with 6.8”capacity, they are good to use for almost all smart phones by Apple, SAMSUNG, Huawei etc.